Protestant Lens
Kingston Unitarian - (March 9) - [Open] Brian will be giving the Sunday talk on how we have been taught to understand religion in the...

Understanding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Islington United Church  - [ Open ] In Person & Online, $20.00 - Islington is holding a 3 part series United Against Hate featuring...

The Protestant LensÂ
Interfaith Grand River - (Wed, Feb 5, 7:00-8:30pm) As part of Interfaith Harmony Week (a worldwide event), Interfaith Grand River is...

Demystifying Sikhism
(March 27) - [Closed] - Oakville Public Library As part of an ongoing series with Oakville Public Library, we will hold this...

Innis College Later Life Learners - Religion: The Big Questions
Jan 17-March 28, 2025 [Open] We will explore some key questions around religion including its profound affects on human society and in...

Ontario Provincial Police
We took the most senior executives of the Ontario Provincial Police to visit a Hindu temple and a synagogue as the second part of a...

Religious Literacy and the Welcoming Workplace
HealthPRO Canada We explored how religious literacy at work can foster more inclusive environments that are more productive and create a...

Policing, Religious Literacy and the Middle East Conflict
[Closed] - Halton Regional Police This training involved two sessions, one on policing and religious literacy generally, and one on the...

Ontario Provincial Police
[Closed] - Ontario Provincial Police Some of the OPP’s most senior leaders spent the day visiting places of worship to learn about these...

Demystifying Judaism & Demystifying Islam
Oakville Public Library - These were the first two sessions in a 5 part staff training series where we explored individual traditions in...