Protestant Lens
Kingston Unitarian - (March 9) - [Open] Brian will be giving the Sunday talk on how we have been taught to understand religion in the...

Understanding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Islington United Church  - [ Open ] In Person & Online, $20.00 - Islington is holding a 3 part series United Against Hate featuring...

The Protestant LensÂ
Interfaith Grand River - (Wed, Feb 5, 7:00-8:30pm) As part of Interfaith Harmony Week (a worldwide event), Interfaith Grand River is...

Innis College Later Life Learners - Religion: The Big Questions
Jan 17-March 28, 2025 [Open] We will explore some key questions around religion including its profound affects on human society and in...

The Western Lens
Interfaith Grand River Brian spoke with one of the most active interfaith groups in Canada about how we have been taught to understand...

Religious Literacy and Organ Donation
[Closed] - Gift of Hope, Chicago We learned how different religious communities approach issues around death, dying and donation. By...

Week of World Religions
Road Scholar Attendees learned about 5 major religions (Islam Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity and Buddhism) through informative morning...

The Protestant Reformation and the Founding of the Modern West
Road Scholar The Reformation is probably the single most important event in the West over the past thousand years. It changed everything...

TARIC Islamic Centre - Open House
TARIC Islamic Centre had an open house as part of Doors Open Toronto. Brian led those who wanted to enter a mosque and learn a little...

Visiting Japan and India: Lessons Learned from Two Incredible Places
Brian had the opportunity recently to travel to East and South Asia. In this free talk, he showed some of the fantastic places he visited...