Visiting Japan and India: Lessons Learned from Two Incredible Places
​Brian had the opportunity to travel to East and South Asia. Learn about Shinto, Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam and more. Watch the replay here .

Listen to Brian's interview with CCDI's CEO Anne-Marie Pham
Brian was interviewed  by CCDI's CEO Anne-Marie Pham, focusing on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict's impact on Canada and on our...

Listen to Brian's interview on CBC Tapestry with Mary HynesÂ
For the CBC article click here . To listen to the full episode click here .

Contact Can Change Us
Psychologist Gordon Allport founded the idea of Contact Theory, which suggests you can reduce intergroup conflict by creating connections...

How to Connect in Times of Conflict
Over the past month, the world has seen a return of deadly and devastating conflict in the Middle East and that conflict is reverberating...

Scheduling for Inclusion
What is inclusive scheduling? Inclusive scheduling is one way to help nurture a culture of respect for all religious, spiritual, and...

What to do When the News is Bad
A little more than a year ago, a Muslim family in London, Ontario, was killed while out for a walk after dinner. The community was left...

The Devil is in the Details
When it comes to religious literacy, there can be a lot to think about. And while we may be committed to creating welcoming places...

Making the Case for Religious Literacy
As we consider our IDEA goals for the coming year, I’d urge you to consider religious literacy as a key component of your IDEA...

Happy Vaisakhi!
The Origin of Vaisakhi Vaisakhi originated as a harvest festival in India's Punjab region. In 1699, it took on special significance for...