A Boat, A Buddha, and Big Lessons from My Trip Abroad
Brian had a wonderful opportunity to travel to Egypt, the Gulf States and Southeast Asia visiting mosques, Buddhist temples and other...

Scheduling for Inclusion
What is inclusive scheduling? Inclusive scheduling is one way to help nurture a culture of respect for all religious, spiritual, and...

Rastafari - Probus Club of Stouffville
We will explored the often misunderstood tradition of Rastafari and its roots in Black power and Biblical messianism.

From Jerusalem to Rome
How did a Jewish movement led by a Jewish man with only Jewish followers quite quickly become a movement of non-Jews? In this lecture,...

Exploring the World's Religions
Over 5 weeks, we explored four major religions (Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism and Sikhism) and opened the series with our most popular talk...

Santa Muerte and the Day of the Dead
We explored what some scholars call ""the fastest growing religion in the Americas,"" the devotion to Santa Muerte or Saint Death. We...

The Religiously Literate Leader
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada We explored how Canadian biases around religion create discomfort on the topic which often means we get...

Holidays Around the World
Magnet Forensics December is the holiday season in Western culture but we will use this opportunity to explore holidays around the world...

Navigating Religious and Spiritual Diversity in the Workplace
This webinar was held by the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI), the largest equity and inclusion organization in Canada....

Daoism: The Way and its Power
Daoism is one of China's great philosophical systems that is relatively unknown in the West except through Tai Chi and Chinese medicine....