Dismantling Hate Crime
The Burlington Inclusivity Advisory Committee was proud to host this virtual panel discussion where Federal Minister Karina Gould, Halton...

The Devil is in the Details
When it comes to religious literacy, there can be a lot to think about. And while we may be committed to creating welcoming places...

Making the Case for Religious Literacy
As we consider our IDEA goals for the coming year, I’d urge you to consider religious literacy as a key component of your IDEA...

Public Prosecution Service of Canada
The Religiously Literate Leader - Senior Advisory Board We presented to the Senior Advisory Board of Canada's Public Prosecution Service...

Interfaith Explorations
University of Toronto Students from the university visited three places of worship throughout the GTA. We will learn about Sikhism,...

Happy Vaisakhi!
The Origin of Vaisakhi Vaisakhi originated as a harvest festival in India's Punjab region. In 1699, it took on special significance for...

Debunking the Myths: An Exploration of Common Stereotypes about Underserved Communities
Brian was on an organ donation panel for the US-based Organ Donation and Transplantation Alliance. The panel discussed misconceptions...

Creating Connection presents: An Afternoon of Nurturing Spirit Encountering World Religions
Brian spoke on April 27, 2022 as part of “An Afternoon of Nurturing Spirit” series. The world's religions are not just about books and...

Flames of Joy and Justice
A Celebration of the United Church's Commitment to be an Anti-Racist Church and Community Brian took part part in this online celebration...

Ramadan: It’s More Than Fasting
Friday marks the start of Ramadan. Many know Ramadan is a month of fasting but there is more to the month than that. Below, I will do two...